be able to export the website created in GHL outside GHL to clients current hosting service
Miguel Erazo
you should be able to create websites in GHL and export them so they can be hosted in another server, if i create 100 websites for clients, if i stop my subscritpion for nay reason they all will loose their website, you should be able to provide web creation services without having it to be use only GHL server as host.
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Keith Sims
I am confused! Miguel and Ryan seem to be saying opposite things. Miguel, in light of what Ryan said, can you clarify your message to eliminate any confusion.
Ryan Jenkins
That's when you use WordPress.
Proprietary website builders don't generally make their sites portable. You can't move a site from Wix to Squarespace, or Squarespace to Weebly, or Weebly to HL, etc.