Control of Admin Notifications
Steve Querio
When a user is set up as an admin for either the agency or as a user for the sub-account, they get all of the notifications from that account. For example, all agency admins get an email notification that a new sub account was created. Is it possible that the agency can set which admins are allowed to get notifications? It seems that not all admins should be receiving information about the accoount.
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Anja Wysocki
Yes please more customization here. Account owner and all admins receive all notifications. That's not productive at all. Please allow notification settings for all different kinds of areas to be adjusted. My account owner doesn't want to deal with all these emails
Ameet Kang
this is the most insane thing that I've ever seen for a company that's been around for years. All my agency admins don't need to know if a single subaccount fails their A2P registration.
David Baldwin
I second this. We need this functionality!