Our business model involves instances where we need to add multiple team members to a single appointment all the time.
That said it's not always the same two team members and it will very depending on the clients individual needs.
We need this function as there is no way to add multiple team members to a calendar appointment booking which is a VERY basic function. (Collective booking doesn't not work as 1. We have different combination of users on appointments and 2. It doesn't have a zoom integration)
In addition to this it needs to have the zoom integration. In this scenario the calendar "owner" would have the zoom link created in their account and the secondary user would use the calendar owner zoom link.
At the current state we are forced to use Round robin to create the Zoom link and then add a "user" as a guest which then creates a calendar event on their outlook calendar and syncs back onto their CRM calendar.
This synced appointment card doesn't provide any details of the appointment and it labels the wrong person as the owner.
Its a complete nightmare when managing appointment cards on the Calendar that have this two way sync "work around" when adding a "user" as a "guest" on the original appointment.
We need to the ability to add multiple "users" to an appointment and still have a Zoom integration. ASAP