There's no ability to customize the payment link pages. This feature is needed by those of us with products that are 1 time sales with payment plan options.
We and many of our clients sell products that come with the option to pay over a period of time in multiple installments. So the client might be obligated, for example, to make 12 payments of $200. They must make the payments. The client got the product. There's no "cancelling" involved.
But GHL is assuming all products with multiple payments are subscriptions or memberships that can be cancelled.
Here are some examples of what needs to change for "payment links" so that they can be useable for us:
  • Below the "Pay" button, it says "By confirming your subscription, you allow ____ to charge you for future payments in accordance with their terms. You can always cancel your subscription." Currently this cannot be modified at all. We need to be ablet to change the language to remove reference to "subscription" and the option to "cancel", and better reflect they are making installment payments under a payment plan.
  • The price per frequency of billing is a little confusing. E.g., it currently says "$___ / 1 month" for a monthly billed product. A customer might think they are only purchasing for 1 month, whereas I'd prefer to change it to "$___/month".