Create / Update / ""MOVE"" Opportunities
Ashley Harsveld
Surprising that this was not already a thing.
Add the ability to have a automation that will take an opportunity and move it from X stage to Z stage. or simply move it to the next stage.
Uses: Help you in dealing with 100s of leads without having to manually move them or create complicated workflows that are hanging on a thread.
Able to add follow up workflows. IE you do an action, then it updates the stage for you.
Saving you so much time.
I would separate "Create" "Update" and "Move" into their own workflow actions/triggers. Unlocking so much more and giving confidence to users knowing THIS will update the thing THIS will Create a THING. Vrs Create/Update like what will it do? if you have Duplicate Opportunities allowed this just confuses things even more.
Example how active campaign does it:
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Pallavi Kothari
This is now possible
We just released a bunch of actions on opportunities. Check out the changelog here :
Thanks a lot for all the feedback!!
Braxton Young
Pallavi Kothari is it possible to expand the capability of "Find opportunity"? The new update just has the most recent or the first opportunity created. It is possible to have 2 opportunities active. Ideally, we'd like to be able to grab a field from the trigger, and match it up with a custom field in the opportunity to find it.
Or would I add the additional filter in that? I think I answered my own question.
Pallavi Kothari
Braxton Young: Yes The filters exist for the same reason You are absolutely right.
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Move an Opportunity to another pipeline keep all data within Opportunity Card
Brennan Sutey
Need to be able to move an opportunity to another pipeline and keep all the data on the opportunity card including Opportunity details, notes, and also all Custom Opportunity Fields folders.
Sean Caldwell
THIS IS IMPERATIVE TO CREATE - SaaS and users in GHL will have MULITPLE pipelines for various parts in the sales cycle. To effectively dispostion opporunties as won/lost- we need ability to MOVE the ORIGINAL opportunity card to the correct pipeline. Sales --> Lost --> Lost reason --> nurture pipeline stage. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make this happen as soon as possible.
Steven Haye
Has there been any update on progress for this?
Rich Ribeiro
Here's another opportunity feature idea:
Steven Haye
Moving Opportunities between pipelines would also be HUGE.
Ashley Harsveld
Steven Haye yeah thats what I meant as well, hopefully they also doing that haha
Pallavi Kothari
in progress
Antoine Feghali
Pallavi Kothari this is a huge issue that will a lot of other problems !
Dylan Stott
Pallavi Kothari
We may also need a "Find Opportunity" to be able to tie certain actions to a specific opportunity and then have automations trigger on said specific opportunity (e.g. "Find Opportunity -> Update Opportunity | With specific name such as Property Address"). This will allow you to specify which opportunity you need to update (Maybe using the opportunity Id).
Also we need the ability to trigger actions to happen when the lead is moved down the pipeline. Currently if you have multiple opportunities and try to update the record it will apply to both opportunities. If we can "find the opportunity" and then specifically "update that opportunity" that should fix the issue. (e.g. Pipeline Status Changed Trigger -> Find Opportunity Action -> Update Opportunity Action
As of this moment I can't use multiple opportunities for my clients repeat customers or customers that have multiple jobs. My clients have been repeatedly asking me to implement a solution.
I've been looking into 3rd party apps in the GHL marketplace. There is 2 listed that adds these features but it seems to have limited edibility (cant update opportunity fields). I'm worried that if I use these tools in combination with the OG HighLevel Opportuniy actions that I might come across the same issues.
Can anyone shed some light on these 3rd party apps or have an ETA on when this feature might become native in GHL?
Carlos Alvarado
Dylan Stott I’m facing the same issue, and here’s how I’m managing it:
When an opportunity is created (and may need future updates), I immediately place it into an automation flow that waits for a specific event related to the contact. In my case, each opportunity (or case) has a 30-day window to be updated—otherwise, it will be automatically closed.
To handle this, I set the opportunity in a "wait" status within the automation, monitoring for a specific trigger tied to the contact. If this trigger occurs, the opportunity gets updated accordingly.
The key for me is using a case number as the reference. When an event occurs that updates the contact with the same case number, the automation recognizes this and updates the corresponding opportunity.
While it’s not a perfect solution, it helps me keep updates organized and ensures that changes are applied to the right opportunity.
Would love to hear if others have found more efficient workarounds or if there’s an update on when this feature might become native in GHL.
Ashley Harsveld
Pallavi Kothari Hey if you are working on this, you might want to revisit opportunity custom fields as this would make your life and our lives a lot easier if they were connected to the contact custom fields. this way when you make the ability for the opportunity to move from pipeline A to B you dont need to create complex things for your opp custom fields to work. Trash those and just make the contact custom fields be on the opportunity card. so the clients with 400 leads dont have to keep going back and forth between the pipeline and the individual contact profile to see whats going on.
Aaron Dyess
Using Curated Connector via Make - opportunities can be moved between pipelines and retain all custom fields and notes. Down side is they're not instant, but i have it set to run every 1 min. It's a bandaid until it can be done natively in automation at least. Brennan Sutey
Ajay Jain
When this will be done? I need this in automation to update the existing opportunity instead of creating the new opportunity, we should be able to CREATE OR UPDATE OR DELETE the opportunity in automation. I am waiting on this feature.
Michael Kittinger
Yes - would be nice. But no way to do that (currently) via workflows. You have to completely delete the current opportunity and create a brand new opportunity in the new pipeline - losing all notes, followers, custom fields, etc.
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