More Customizable 2-Step Order Form
JJ Chung
We need a more versatile 2-step order form. Right now on the 2 step order form, you can only ask customers to input their "Full Name" instead of breaking it up to "First Name" and "Last Name" separately. This makes it really confusing to keep track of which custom value I should use in my emails when I have other forms that opts in leads.
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Drew Baldridge
If possible, it would be nice when there are multiple products that can be selected, the that none of the products are selected when someone lands of the form. Currently, the form defaults to selecting the top product, so if that is not the product desired, it must be deselected.
Simone Henry
Would like to be able to change the color of the Apply Coupon button as well as the main order button. And this is not just in the 1 & 2 step order forms. We need this ability in the e-commerce order form as well.
Simone Henry
It would also be great to save the order form as a template for use in multiple pages rather than having to restyle it to use on another website/funnel.
Jeff Egberg
Minimalism is the best. Get the software companies that GHL integrates with to provide minimal application capabilities. the LINK feature that auto populates in the 1 and 2 step FORM provided by Stripe. How do you remove that? I have to many options to pay also.
Jeff Egberg
FOR THE 1 AND 2 step order form you need to have multiple items capable but leave it up to the consumer to check the radio buttons. Instead it automatically picks the top item in the product list in the form. what if they miss that checked item, they will be charged charged for something they didn't want and be returning items.
Jeff Egberg
We need to get the 1 and 2 step order for to allow customization. For example the first line isn't needed if it is B to C. They don't have a company Name they will bounce. Bad experience and not good to have to add customization code for something that could break.
Toni Perrin
Definitely need to be able to customise the order forms to include other relevant information rather than having to complete a secondary form to provide necessary information.
Ryan Jenkins
Please look to ThriveCart for funnel customization modeling
Matt Adkins
I'd like to add, we need to be able to add fields. Right now I'm having to add a custom form before the order form (and thus two forms for the customer to fill out), which presents a terrible customer experience.
E.R. Spaulding
Matt Adkins: absolutely! I have to do the same thing (building a custom form) to collect information like a t-shirt size before they order.
Ann Likowo Molinge
Matt Adkins I am currently facing the same issue. I offer Food Handler certification course and some students have 3 and 4 official names that must appear on the certificate, but the software picks only their first two names and that is what appears on their certificate.
I had to create a separate form just to be able to add space for the other names as custom values and then add the custom values to the certificate.
After filling this new form, students are required to fill in their name and other personal Infor again on the 1 Step other form ( which I strongly believe is same with the 2 step order form).
The customers are not happy filling in their personal information twice.
It's not a good user experience at all.
Plus they are not happy that they must go to their email to get the link to create their password.
On Competitors website, students are able to put-in their personal information, pay for the course, get a pop-up to create a password and login to the student portal all on the same page. We need to beat the competition.