Improved Documents and Contract Form Fill Flow
Jacob Radcliffe
Currently we can't control the flow of form fields being filled. We just have required or non-required. If any fields are required, then it only forces them to fill those out. But in documents there may be a variety of optional fields they need to fill in. We want the ability to choose the fields that the arrow pointer jumps to which might be required or optional fields. For non-required fields we just want them to have a skip or leave blank option choice. My use case is filling in a W-9 which has lots of optional fields based on entity types. A few ideas:
1) Allow us to control the flow of required/optional for the best chance at getting a form filled in correctly. This includes requiring all fields but giving them the option to leave it blank / skip to proceed through the form fill flow.
2) Conditional logic for form fill based on option/checkboxes. So if they check a block on the form then we can require other fields to be filled in. So each form field has the option to have a parent field that if that field is marked that it then changes the required status of that field.
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