Can we have bulk import of custom objects? pretty please!
Corey Dierdorff
Can we please have the ability to bulk import custom objects. Example, car lot has a spreadsheet of cars to use as custom objects. It would be amazing to have the ability to bulk import these for inventory management.
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Jeff Meziere
any update from the dev team on when this might become available? Pallavi Kothari
Waleed Farra
Jeff Meziere Yes please we need an update. Custom Objects is a feature with so much potential but it's very underwhelming right now. Having this feature well developed brings GHL alot closer to big CRM platfroms IMO. Should be focused on this feature!!
Ian Moore
This is a given, bit like bulk upload images to a gallery also, our clients has 100's of properties but don' fancy manually creating them one by one, can't wait for this to be implemented
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Mathias Suárez Bertero
We need the ability to bulk import custom objects... I now will have to create over 6000 custom objects manually, that is simply unacceptable.
Chris Guerrero
Please create this feature, i am about to manually load 400 records
Darren Walker
Desperately needed...we can't move forward with using custom objects until it happens. We would like to add the ability to have this automated as well from an external URL. We sync our inventory every day at least once for automotive and desperately need these features.
Darryl Addison
Jake Castro
I have a pet grooming client who has a list of 1000 clients over the years with dogs associated with each client and sometimes multiple dogs.
I need associations with csv file so that I can upload and map it like any regular field otherwise could take hours.
Mathias Suárez Bertero
100% NEED THIS!!
Joshua Chinn
Please add this feature. The manual labor required for a list of thousands of objects is very exhausting! Thank you
Luke Holt
How is this not available from launch? When you have a new feature like this surely it is only usable with a bulk action at setup. I am so so ready for this but it's only possible with bulk importing.
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