GPTs (custom agents) from Open AI integration
Andrae Aldrete
Open AI released the ability to create your own custom agents. So you could have a specific GPT (agent) the specializes in roofing, real estate, auto repair, etc. Would be awesome to have it integrated in the chat widget & all conversation channels. Massive value add to agencies & our clients.
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Arpit Sharma
Merged in a post:
Ability to Integrate Assistants GPTs to GHL workflow and conversations.
Joshua Zhang
Ability to Integrate Assistants GPTs to GHL workflow and conversations.
These are GPTs that we have trained with our own data on
To key in assistant API and openai API key like what make and zapier is already doing to talk to these custom GPTs
Arpit Sharma
Merged in a post:
Connect GHL to our own GPTs
Hans Lange
It would be great to connect GHL not only to Chat GPT but also to self created GPTs. At the moment it seems only possible with Zapier or other 3rd parties.
Axel Toll
YES! This is needed as I have a killer CustomGPT I've created for my agency that I prefer to use in 99% of use cases. Does anyone know if there's a workaround on how to use it right now?
They launched "custom actions" with CustomGPTs a while back which from my understanding might make it possible through the API. Will look into this more myself.
Peter Pessetto
Please add Custom GPT - direct connect to sub accounts. Pretty please!
Julie Straub
Yes, we want to be able to train our own GPT and then attach them in our accounts for our clients and to use with potential clients for sale, lead magnet, etc.
Tony Camero
yess pllz
Bill Crandell
Could make custom webhooks to do it as well I suppose
Remi Mayer
Yanick Webster
We need Open.AI Assistants as well, not just custom GPTs...
Bill Crandell
Yanick Webster agree 100% but think they could deploy just the Custom GPTs much faster than just the Assistants with the function calling and all...
Andres Boron
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