Add Custom Fields (from Contact List) to Certificate
L. Bagui
Currently, we can only add custom VALUES in HL's certificate builder. It would be great if we can also add custom FIELDS (from the contact list) to the certificates as well.
It's a problem we're facing right now. We've got this workflow automation going where we need to send certificates to people from our contact list that have passed a certain condition. The certificate should include information we've inputted in the contact/smart list fields. The roundabout method we thought of was making the certificate in the Document/Contract section since custom fields can be used there. But Docs/Contracts are only available as portrait and we need our certificates to be landscape in orientation.
So please. If there's a solution we haven't thought of, kindly let me know. Updates would really be nice---both for Certificates to have custom FIELDS available, and for the latter and the Docs/Contracts to have custom sizing or at the very least have the option to be in landscape orientation.
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Shivani Gera
Aleia Pengilley
I agree! Please add ASAP